June 2017 Young Stock Birds for Sale
For a full listing visit my Purchase page.
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But we are proud to say that Gurnayville Lofts contributed 35 entries already.
For a full listing visit my Purchase page.
A lot has happened in the Australian pigeon world since my last update with not a lot of it being positive. The obvious main talking point has been the spread east of the Roto virus from where it was first reported in WA. It has now been reported in 4 eastern states. Just as this […]
More information for each Gurnayville bird offered at the Sale in Sydney next month. Gurnayville birds on offer at SYDNEY AUCTION
Sale Catalogue June 2016
Sale Flyer Gurnayville & LPM June 2016 Sydney
At the recent Irish Region RPRA Awards 2015, Irish breeder Ron Williamson achieved the following awards – Section G Winner and Overall winner – Best Old bird performance Further to this great result, at the Northern Ireland Provincial Amalgamation Trophy Winners 2015, Ron Williamson achieved the following awards – Best average in all channel races including Nationals […]
For anyone looking to improve the distance performance of their birds I have 10 pure bred Wickham cocks of breeding age for sale now. Gurnayville Lofts have the best Wickham family of pigeons available in Australia. All birds one price – $150 each.
I have young stock birds available for immediate sale from the following families: – Busschaert – Janssen – Wickham – Gurnay All are very reasonably priced at $150 each or $250 per pair.
I would like to thank everyone who has contacted me with their 2015 race teams orders. Due to the great response unfortunately I have to stop taking any more orders until these teams are filled and also my own VHA race team is bred. I may be able to take a few late orders in the new […]
I have received a lot of enquiry regarding Race Teams for the coming breeding season. If you are interested or have already made enquiries please confirm your interest by placing your orders soon. Please email me at: gurnayvl@bordernet.com.au or call my mobile: 0429 205 372 as soon as possible to secure your 2015 Race Team.