Entries by Gurnayville Lofts

PIPA Sydney sale

The second week of August saw the long awaited sale of 40 elite pigeons direct from the best of Belgium via PIPA. New Australian sale records were set with very spirited bidding taking place over the week long auction. Gurnayville lofts were able to procure a pair of the Bart Geerinckx birds. These birds were […]

2021 Race Teams

Once again I am selling race teams this year. At $400 for a team of 10 given there performances they are the best value race teams being sold in Australia. Look through the race results from very limited racing again this year. Due to their performance I only have a few teams left as I’m […]

News from Barcelona – July 2021

The final Barcelona International one loft race for year 2 will be held on the 28th July weather permitting. I have one entry left in a field of 77 birds competing for 14000 Euro. The birds will be released from Weymouth a distance of 220 miles. Fingers crossed for a good result.

News June 2021

2021 sees the second year of the Barcelona One Loft Race. Training has been well underway with a series of training tosses from 20 miles x 2, followed by 50 miles x 2, 70 miles x 1. Next was 1 from 115miles and the last toss was from 150 miles from Eastbourne on the 16th June. […]

October 2020

Barcelona International One Loft race – This is a very interesting 3 year concept race that I decided to support this year by flying 8 birds bred by Tony Byrne from Endurance Pigeons based in the UK. Tony runs this one loft race and has some great long distance families. After the lead up tossing […]

July 2020

One Loft Races – After the first 2 races i still had 3 of my 4 entries left. They achieved 8th , 83rd and 113th position so it was nice to get a good result with them all home. Unfortunately some time between  the last 75km toss on the 23rd July and basketing night for […]

Update June 2020

One Loft Races – Once again I have sent a 4 bird team to support the Adelaide 10000 race series. As of yesterday 11/06 , after an 80km toss, I still have 3 of my 4 original entries left. Have a nest pair of RAUW/SABLON X SOONTJEN and for something different a GURNAY X HEREMAN/CLEUSTERS […]

Update July 2018

Adelaide Pigeon Club 2018 – This year saw me enter 4 birds in the APC for the first time. Brian and his team run a great series with plenty of interest Australia wide. After plenty of road work the first race was held on the 23rd of June from HAWKER around 310km. I was happy […]

GC 50000 Update

As we approach race 3 in this years GC 50000 Gurnayville Lofts still has 7 of its initial 10 birds left. In Race 1 Gurnayville lofts GRAF( Houban) was placed 10th arriving with the winner. In Race 2 Gurnayville Lofts RUDOFFER(Ron Williamson X Houban) was placed 12th once again arriving with the leading bunch. Currently […]